Read this blog to get to know the lastest features for Fiori launchpad running in SAP Portal and available in SAP NetWeaver 7.4 SPS08. 23 September 2014
SAP Fiori Launchpad - Sample Content for Administrators
Read this new Enterprise Portal support blog in which people from the EP support team share interesting support cases with you and how they can be solved. You can find the first issue in the blog which is "Portal pages not supported by Chrome". 01 August 2014
SAP Portal News for July and August 2014
Read our news on SAP Fiori launchpad and SAP UX, HANA Cloud Platform, Enterprise Portal and more. 28 August 2014
SAP Fiori Launchpad as Topic of the Week, September 17-18
Participate in the topic of the week campaign, this time we have "SAP Fiori Launchpad". Join us from September 17-18 in an ASUG webinar and on our social media channels. 15 September 2014
With SAP Enterprise Portal 7.4 SP7 it is the first time that we are delivering a new portal framework page following the SAP Fiori design. And we reached an alignment with SAP's new overall user experience strategy and SAP Portal user experience. 10 July 2014
Register for SAP Portal ASUG Webinar Series
You can register for a series of SAP Portal ASUG webinars which cover the major and most interesting topics of the SAP Portal portfolio. 10 July 2014
Read this blog by Aviad Rivlin introducing the Fiori Launchpad, which is planned to be run on multiple platforms – ABAP (available today), SAP Portal, SAP HANA Cloud Portal and HANA. 22 April 2014
We invite you to participate in the "Topic of the Week" campaign for SAP HANA Cloud Portal from August 5 to 6. A topic of the week is a selected topic about which you will get up-to-date information on SCN and our social media channels. You can listen to us and also discuss with us on SCN, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn on special days. Participate and join the conversation. 1 August 2014
Read our latest news from the last 2 months and find news on HANA Cloud Portal, Fiori launchpad, impressions from SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG conference, SAP Portal movie challenge contribution, new movies and blogs from the community. 18 June 2014
SAP Fiori Launchpad Movie
Watch this movie and see how the SAP Fiori launchpad is running on desktop. 11 June 2014
Contributions to the Movie Challenge
Check out the contributions we have received so far for the SAP Enterprise Portal movie challenge. You also want to win a SCN badge? Then participate in the challenge. 11 June 2014
Checkout the SAP Portal and HANA Cloud Portal schedule for June 5. June 5 2014
SAP Portal At ASUG and SAPPHIRE NOW 2014
In the upcoming ASUG and SAPPHIRE NOW event in Orlando there will be several SAP Portal oriented sessions reflecting the evolving of the Portal towards a true user experience platform. 28 April 2014
Read this blog by Aviad Rivlin introducing the Fiori Launchpad, which is planned to be run on multiple platforms – ABAP (available today), SAP Portal, SAP HANA Cloud Portal and HANA. 22 April 2014
Read our latest news from the last 2 months and find news on Support Portal, Fiori Launchpad, upcoming SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG sessions, SAP Portal Movie Challenge update, new movies and blogs from the community. 29 April 2014
The broadcast messages (BCM) API gives the portal administrators the ability to broadcast messages to end users in a short time frame. End users will be notified on relevant new messages in real time. 24 April 2014
Announcement of SAP Portal and HANA Cloud Portal Gamification Movie Challenge
Today we start our first SAP Portal and HANA Cloud Portal gamification campaign on SCN. We would like to invite you to join this challenge: Play the role of a movie jury member, review existing SAP Portal/HANA Cloud Portal movies and share with us your review expertise. Or play the role of a movie director and producer: this is the chance for you to produce your own SAP Portal/HANA Cloud Portal movie story and share your product expertise. 20 February 2014
New SAP Portal Roadmap Presentation
This presentation gives an overview on the Portal portfolio and also on future directions of SAP Portal in direction of Cloud and HANA. 11 February 2014
We have started our new SAP Portal movie challenge on SCN about 6 weeks ago, and today I would like to ask you to share your SAP NetWeaver Portal scenario story with us. This questions aims to discover how SAP customers, partners, and consultants use SAP Portal: what were the projects you worked on? What Portal scenario was implemented? How did it solve your problems, what were the values of the solution for your customer, for your company? Tell us about your challenges, "pain points," and the ways in which SAP Portal and its product components helped to resolve those challenges. 28 March 2014
Read the first SAP Portal news blog 2014 and get updated about all news around Cloud Portal, Portal Roadmap, SAP Portal/HANA Cloud Portal movie challenge, SAP Portal tip of the month etc. 3 March 2014
During a 3-days partner test workshop you will have the opportunity to experience the portal across multiple deployment options: on-premises, cloud and HANA and consume it on multiple devices. 28 January 2014
SAP NetWeaver Visual Composer UI5 Runtime is planned to be released with NetWeaver 731 SP11, in March 2014. Please fill this survey from SAP Solution Expert Gad Ravid and give us some info about what do you think about Visual Composer. 13 February 2014
Attendees of SAP TechEd 2013 will also have access to the Virtual TechEd program which will be available for almost 11 weeks starting January 14th. From Portal perspective, we made session POP263 "Experience SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.4 in Action" available on Virtual TechEd for you. 8 January 2014
We can announce today the blog who won the SAP Portal Top Blog campaign 2013. It is the blog Google Analytics in SAP Portal 7.3 by Fouad Hjiyer. For more information on the 2013 SAP Portal Top Blog campaign and about the final results in detail, check out this blog. 30 January 2014
SAP Portal News Blog December 2013
The last news blog of this year is available. It is packed with the December news, announcements and information about our portfolio. 19 December
ASUG Annual Conference 2014: Call for Presentations
ASUG has just announced the call for presentations for the upcoming ASUG Annual Conference 2014. This year, we have aligned the portal sub-topics areas to reflect the feedback we got from our customers in previous events and based on the latest SAP UI strategy. Read this blog by Aviad Rivlin who gives you all the details on how to submit your abstract and how to share your experience with other customers about on-premise and cloud, desktop and mobile, intranet and extranet, best practices for implementations etc. 17 December 2013
Give Feedback to SAP Portal Customer Notes
Until now there was no organized way for providing feedback or remarks on SAP Portal customer notes. From now on you can help us to improve our notes by opening a thread in the SAP Portal space discussion forum. We have created for that purpose a special forum category. Read this new blog to get familiar with the process of giving feedback. 26 November 2013
Read this blog which collects all the information you need to know when setting up anonymous logon for your portal. 20 November 2013
Check out the latest SAP Portal news for October-November 2013 with SAP TechEd recap and many other news around the product portfolio. 13 November 2013
Extending SAP NetWeaver Portal with a Personalized Mobile Application Gallery
With this new release of Enterprise Workspaces we extend the mobile capabilities of the SAP NetWeaver Portal. It provides end users a superior mobile experience with mobile application gallery and enhanced personalization capabilities. All fully integrated with SAP Fiori applications. 25 October 2013
Aviad Rivlin Selected as SAP Mentor
It is a pleasure for us to inform you that SAP Portal Product Manager Aviad Rivlin was announced as SAP Mentor this year. Congratulations to Aviad! 8 October 2013
Recap of SAP TechEd Las Vegas
ExtFirst Day Recap (Vishal's keynote with two announcements closely related to the portal team), Second Day Recap and Third Day Recap.
SAP Teched Impressions from Amsterdam
First Day, Tuesday November 05, Second Day, Wednesday November 06 and Third Day, Thursday November 07.
Experience Latest Innovations of SAP Portal at SAP TechEd Amsterdam
Read from SAP Portal Product Manager Thomas Hensel what our team prepared for SAP TechEd Amsterdam. You can meet Thomas in Amsterdam and ask him to show you the latest showcases about the portal portfolio. 04 November 2013
SAP Portal Sessions at SAP TechEd
Learn the details about the SAP Portal and HANA Cloud Portal sessions and lectures for SAP TechEd Amsterdam.28 October 2013
Social Reporting on SAP Portal, HANA Cloud Portal, Mobile Portal etc.
You can follow us during the SAP TechEd event via Twitter,Facebook, LinkedIn, GooglePlus and YouTube. Learn about our sessions, our experts and what is going on. 15 October 2013
SAP Portal News September 2013
The SAP Portal news blog for September 2013 is available. Read our news on SAP TechEd, Partner Test Event in Palo Alto, HANA Cloud Portal, Mobile Portal and more. 18 September 2013
SAP Fiori and Mobile Portal available as RPD Edition
SAP is now offering a new Rapid Deployment Solution (RDS) for SAP Fiori and the mobile portal. This new service will quickly and easily setup the mobile portal on your existing SAP NetWeaver Portal, and integrate the Fiori applications into it - proving you an extendable, role based, single point of access for your mobile apps and content. 17 September 2013
SAP Portal Star Challenge
Following our last year's very successful SAP Portal Star Challenge, we would like to launch another challenge this year just prior to SAP TechEd 2013. We would like to invite you to hang-outwith us or share your SAP Portal success in a recorded “blog”. How to do that? More information in the blogs by Aviad Rivlin and Amir Blich. 8 August 2013
For those who might have missed our Tweetchat on September 10, you can read the full transcript of the chat. 11 September 2013
On Tuesday September 10 from 15:30 p.m. to 16:30 p.m CET, you are invited to join the next Portal tweetchat on “SAP Cloud for Service Support Site Solutions based on Cloud Portal.” To participate in our tweetchat, simply log in to the Twitter client of your choice and submit all your questions and statements with the hashtag #SAPPortalchat included. 2 September 2013
SAP Portal News Blog July-August 2013
Our latest SAP Portal News Blog is available. SAP TechEd is playing an important role in this edition. You will also find information on other topics of the SAP Portal Portfolio. 16 August 2013
Vote in SAP Portal Poll
Vote in this poll and tell us about your focus topics for Portal sessions and lectures at SAP TechEd 2013. 06 August 2013
SAP Portal Sessions at SAP TechEd 2013: Some First Information
The SAP Portal team is looking forward meeting you at SAP TechEd 2013 in Las Vegas, Amsterdam or Bangalore. We will offer you a full set of educational sessions around the SAP Portal portfolio. Read this blog to get a first impression of our planned session schedule. 10 July 2013
Everything about SAP Portal Upgrade to NetWeaver 7.3
As a result of recurring questions and concerns from customers, the SAP Portal development team decided to collect all known issues, guidelines, important information that can be helpful before, during and after an upgrade. Read this document to get a better idea about the upgrade process. 3 July 2013
Recap of the SAP HANA Cloud Portal Partner Test
From June 11-13 we conducted a partner test workshop in Walldorf with 28 partners from various companies representing different business areas. The partners tested our new cloud solution SAP HANA Cloud Portal and gave us their detailed feedback. Read this blog which summarizes what happened at this event. 3 July 2013
SAP Portal News Blog May and June 2013
Read this blog which is focusing on the SAPPHIRE and ASUG event in Orlando from May 14-16, 2013. It also contains news from SAP HANA Cloud Portal and link to some new customer testimonials. Have fun reading it. 29 May 2013
Transcript of SAP Portal Tweetchat on Portal Upgrades from May 27
For those who missed the SAP Portal tweetchat on "Portal Upgrades" on May 27, read the transcript of the complete conversation on Twitter. 28 May 2013
SAPPHIRENOW and ASUG 2013: Day 2 Recap
Read this blog by SAP Portal Product Manager Aviad Rivling reporting about the second day of this great event in Orlando. 16 May 2013
Extending SAPPHIRENOW and ASUG 2013: Day 1 Recap
Read this blog by SAP Portal Product Manager Aviad Rivlin describing his experiences of his first day on SAPPHIRENOW and ASUG event. Read also SAPPHIRENOW - Let the Show Begin. Follow us also on Facebook and Twitter. 15 May 2013
SAP Portal Newsletter Blog April 2013
Read the SAP Portal April Newsletter Blog and get informed on Upcoming Events: SAPPHIRENOW and ASUG 2013, SAP HANA Cloud Portal News, SAP Portal, On Premise News, Mobile Edition of SAP Portal, Portal Implementation Competition and SAP Portal on Facebook. 29 April 2013
SAP Portal @ ASUG and SAPPHIRENOW 2013
Read this blog and get informed about our planned Portal sessions and activities @ ASUG conference and SAPPHIRENOW. We are looking forward meeting you there. In case you would like to arrange a meeting with one of our experts at SAPPHIRENOW and/or ASUG conference, please contact us via 16 April 2013
On June 11 we are hosting a 3-day testing event in Walldorf and we would like to invite SAP Partners to get their hands on SAP HANA Cloud Portal (formerly known as SAP NetWeaver Cloud Portal) latest innovations and experience the value it offers to organizations to meet the next level of portal demands. During this event, you would have the chance to experience the Cloud Portal offering and sharpen your skills. If you are an SAP partner, or know a partner that would like to take advantage of this unique opportunity, register here. 19 March 2013
SAP Portal on Facebook
We like to invite you to visit our newly created fan page on Facebook in order to share your ideas with us, give us your feedback, tell us what you always wanted to tell us, like our links and news and also comment on it and give feedback on our new products and ideas for future development. 08 April 2013
Join us for 5 interactive webinars on SAP HANA Cloud Portal with our experts. In this series of webinars you will get a deep insight into our new cloud-based solution. The next webinar "Deliver Actionable Information to Executives with SAP HANA Cloud Portal" is on April 25, 8:00 am PDT / 11:00 am EDT / 4:00 pm BST / 5:00 pm CEST. 24 April 2013
Read our latest news blog and get informed on our Partner Test Event in June 2013, Cloud Portal news, SAP NetWeaver Portal, on premise news, SAP Portal and the industries and blogs from the Portal Community. 28 March 2013
Major Improvements in SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.3 Service Pack 9
Read this blog by Aviad Rivlin who updates you about the new SAP NetWeaver Portal release which brings major improvements for mobile consumption and embedding of SAPUI5 applications in the Portal. 25 March 2013
Participate in the Cloud Portal Customer Feedback Program
We announce our new Customer Feedback Program for 2013. In this program, we aim to hold joint feedback sessions with customers, partners, consultants and SAP Mentors for collecting feedback and requirements for the ongoing SAP NetWeaver Cloud Portal deliveries. If you are interested in joining this program, you are invited to contact directly - Ifat Shwartz. 01 March 2013
On January 28th, research company Gartner released a research note focused on SAP’s new cloud-based solution SAP NetWeaver Cloud Portal. In this highly positive report, Gartner states that SAP’s latest cloud offering is innovative, should play a role in every customer’s portal strategy, and will “play an important role in the transition to the cloud and HANA.” 07 February 2013
Read the February edition of the SAP Portal Newsletter blog. In this edition you find information on Cloud Portal, new SAP Portal overview presentation, the future of SAP Portal and some selected blogs from the Portal community. 27 February 2013
Cloud Portal as Hot Topic of the Week February 25 - 28, 2013
Discuss with Portal Experts on Cloud Portal via SCN, Twitter and LinkedIn during a whole week. We have our experts available on our various social media channels and on SCN and they will listen to you, and answer your questions. Moreover there will be also more activities like knowledge transfer and webinars. We are looking forward meeting you next week on our various social media platforms and for the first Cloud Portal webinar. 20 February 2013
DSAG echnology Days in Mannheim, Germany, February 26-27
Come to the DSAG (German SAP User Group) Technology Days 2013 in Mannheim, Germany, February 26-27 and attend also the Portal innovation session. 12 February 2013
The Future Portal is Around the CornerandJoin us to Define the Future Portal
Read this visionary blog and sneak a peak of the future of the Portal as we see it the SAP NetWeaver Portal team. Participate also in the magnet advisory council supporting the development of the future portal. This is a unique opportunity to influence a major product on the SAP Hana platform. 12 February 2013
SAP Portal News: January 2013
Read the first edition of the SAP NetWeaver Portal Newsletter blog for January 2013. In this edition you find information on the new SAP Portal LinkedIn group, Cloud Portal and Enterprise Workspaces blog series, Portal theming and branding, on how to develop a mobile application for SAP Portal and how governments can be supported by or new mobile features and our new SAP NetWeaver Portal Cloud solution. 24 Januar 2013
The developers of the Cloud Portal team will share with you a series of blogs on technical aspects of Cloud Portal. Read the introduction blog of the series: Tech Tips and Tutorials for SAP NetWeaver Cloud Portal, which you can use as the entry point for the complete series. It will be updated each time a new piece of information is published on SCN.22 January 2013
Best Practices for Theming and Branding SAP NetWeaver User Interfaces
Customizing the user interface (UI) of your SAP applications and the portal is getting more and more important, especially in external, customer-facing scenarios. Read this new presentation to learn more about the various options for branding and customizing UI technologies from SAP according to your company's corporate design. This presentation covers various UI technologies such as Web Dynpro, SAP NetWeaver Portal, and SAP NetWeaver Business Client. 14 January 2013
The development team of Enterprise Workspaces will share with you a series of posts on technical aspects of enterprise workspaces, to show the benefits and the ease of use and maintenance. This is the first blog of the series: A Deep Dive into Enterprise Workspaces. This blog will be updated each time a new post is added, so you can use it as the entry point for the complete series. 17 December 2012
SAP NetWeaver Portal News for November and December 2012
Read the Portal news in a combined edition for November and December including impressions from SAP TechEd Madrid and Bangalore, from the partner test event in Walldorf, news from Cloud Portal, new Portal movies on YouTube etc. 5 December 2012
Portal on device already provides mobile access to your corporate web assets, but what can you do when you want your users to work with the latest and greatest leave request iPad application? In this post, we will see how native applications can be integrated in the standard portal navigation, so they are exposed to portal users in their daily work. 3 December 2012
Watch our new SAP NetWeaver Portal Portfolio movie on YouTube. Get an overview on our portfolio including SAP NetWeaver Cloud Portal and enjoy. 14 November 2012
In this tweetchat you will get more detailed information on the Content Management offering of SAP NetWeaver Portal. The focus of the chat is set on the new SAP Portal Content Management by OpenText. Please join us on December 13 from 5 - 6 P.M. CET using the #SAPPortalchat hashtag. We are really looking forward to talking to you directly on Twitter. 4 December 2012
The new release of SAP NetWeaver Portal, enterprise workspaces allows employees to create flexible, personalized, self-service work environments easier than ever. It improves productivity, empower employees and provide superior user experience any time, and also on multiple devices. Among the features is also the mobile homepage which is the entry point for mobile users. For details, see also this overview presentation. 23 October 2012
On November 26, we are hosting a 3-day testing event in Walldorf. This event is focused on our extensive SAP NetWeaver Portal portfolio: Mobile, Cloud, Social, On-Premise, enterprise workspaces, and much more. During this event, you would have the chance to experience our vast portfolio of offerings and sharpen your skills. If you are an SAP partner, or know a partner that would like to take advantage of this unique opportunity, register here. 09 October 2012
Read this blog and get informed about our planned Portal sessions and activities and what you should expert when coming to Madrid. We are looking forward meeting you there. See also our daily schedule on Slideshare. 5 November 2012
SAP Portal at SAP Teched and SAPPHIRENOW Madrid: Follow us on the Social Channels
Have you already asked yourself how to stay on top of all conversations and information around SAP Portal and other stuff before and during the event? We can show you how to get all the information on our SAP Portal sessions, conversations and announcements during SAP TechEd and SAPPHIRE NOW in Madrid. 12 November 2012
Read our October news including impressions from SAP TechEd Las Vegas, partner information, news from Enterprise Workspaces, news from Cloud Portal, news from SAP NetWeaver 7.3, upcoming events, new sizing guides etc. 30 October 2012
In this tweetchat you will get more detailed information about the new release of SAP NetWeaver Portal – Enterprise Workspaces 1.1 Service Pack 3. Please join us on November 5 from 17:00-18:00 P.M. CET using the #SAPPortalchat hashtag. We are really looking forward to talking to you directly on Twitter. 24 October 2012
We are happy to announce that Cloud Portal is now generally available. Download also the Cloud Portal trial! This SCN document describes how to access the trial and get a free developer license. 16 October 2012
In this blog the Portal implementation team summarized some of the critical tips and tricks they discovered while developing portal on device. Our team found these tips and tricks very useful and wants to share this information with you, so you can build and run better applications on mobile devices. More blogs are planned in the next weeks. 22 October 2012
This new release includes several significant new enhancements for the consumption of the SAP NetWeaver Portal on mobile devices. For more information see this presentation. As an SAP partner you can also register for our partner enablement session on October 30. 08 October 2012
This year we invite you to “show off” your portal implementation and to share with the SCN community and the SAP TechEd attendees your portal implementation. We encourage you to publish a blog describing your SAP NetWeaver Portal implementation. Out of all the blogs published on SCN, we will select 1-3 and share them during the 2012 SAP TechEd conferences. 08 October 2012
Read this blog and get informed about our planned Portal sessions and activities and what you should expert when coming to Las Vegas. We are looking forward meeting you this week. 15 October 2012
On November 26, we are hosting a 3-day testing event in Walldorf. This event is focused on our extensive SAP NetWeaver Portal portfolio: Mobile, Cloud, Social, On-Premise, enterprise workspaces, and much more. During this event, you would have the chance to experience our vast portfolio of offerings and sharpen your skills. If you are an SAP partner, or know a partner that would like to take advantage of this unique opportunity, register here. 09 October 2012
We are very happy to announce that SAP NetWeaver Cloud Portal is being released to customers. This solution is a significant enhancement to our product portfolio. It is a cloud-based solution that provides easy site creation and consumption with a superior user experience. It is also designed for mobile consumption. 03 September 2012.
SAP Portal News for August and September 2012
The main news of this edition is the release of our new product: SAP NetWeaver Cloud Portal. Read also about the next tweetchat in the Portal tweetchat series, new Portal movies on YouTube, new Portal Slideshare account, interesting blogs from the Portal community and the tweets of the month. 12 September 2012
SAP Portal Content Management by OpenText - An Ideal Content Management Solution
Read this blog by Ohad Levy who describes why SAP Portal Content Management by Opentext closes a gap when it comes to the ‘casual’ users, the ones that use SAP systems sporadically, but still require efficient collaboration around documents. Ohad also explains where this new SAP content management solution stands in comparison to Sharepoint. 11 September 2012
Portal Tweetchat SAP NetWeaver Cloud Portal
On September 12 you were invited to join Portal and Cloud experts for the Portal tweetchat on "SAP NetWeaver Cloud Portal". For those who missed it, read the whole chat on Storify. 13 September 2012
Portal Presentations on Slideshare
Check out our new SAP NetWeaver Portal channel on Slideshare. Here you can find our latest presentations on various topics. Visit this new channel and subscribe to it, so that you will not miss our latest updates. 20 August 2012
New Presentation on SAP Portal Content and Site Management by Open Text
Check out this updated presentation on SAP Portal Content and Site Management by Open Text. It contains new information on key features and you are also informed on how to build external facing websites. 24 July 2012
Portal News for July 2012
Read our monthly news blog and get informed on SAP NetWeaver Portal Enterprise Workspaces 1.1 SP2, news on SAP Portal Content and Site Management by OpenText, Portal Tweetchats and interesting blogs from the SCN Portal Community. 31 July 2012
Thank You for Joining SAP Portal Tweetchat on Portal Theming and Branding
On August 08 11 AM CET you were invited to join our Portal experts in the tweetchat on "Portal Theming and Branding". For those who could not participate, read the blog where you find links to the transcript of the chat. 08 August 2012
SAP NetWeaver Portal, Enterprise Workspaces 1.1 SP2 Available
Read this blog by Aviad Rivlin and get informed on the new release of Enterprise Workspaces and which feature enhancements it contains (like for example mobile representation of existing workspaces on tablets). Check out also this new presentation. 02 July 2012
Thank you for joining our Tweetchat on "Portal Mobile Enablement"
On July 18 you were invited to join our Portal experts Aviad Rivlin, Thomas Hensel, David Kviti and Winfried Wenisch for the tweetchat on "Portal Mobile Enablement". For those who could not participate, read the blog where you find links to the transcript of the chat. 19 July 2012
Portal News for June 2012
Read this blog and learn about two new customer testimonials, a new movie on Portal on smartphone, news from the Portal space on SCN and our most successful blog. 27 June 2012
Developing a Mashup Scenario for SAP NetWeaver 7.3
Read this blog by Roman Loshevsky from our Portal development team: this blog describes how to develop a mashup scenario. This is a functionality which is implemented as part of the Web Page Composer in SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.3. 27 June 2012
Customer Testimonials from Vestas and Procter&Gamble
Watch the two new best-run stories of SAP NetWeaver Portal customers. Learn from Vestas how SAP NetWeaver Portal became the face of this company. And listen to the testimonial of Procter&Gamble and learn how SAP NetWeaver Portal simplified the user experience and access to business applications for employees, customers and suppliers in various ways. 12 June 2012
Portal Partner Information
Read this new SCN document and get an overview on Portal partner offerings, interoperability with Microsoft and IBM and other interesting sources for partner information. 27 June 2012
News for May 2012
Read this blog and learn about new subspaces in the SCN Portal area, SAP NetWeaver Cloud Portal, Portal Mobile news, impressions from SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG 2012 and some interesting new blogs. 31 May 2012
New Subspaces Created on SCN for SAP NetWeaver Portal Space
Read this blog and get informed on the some changes concerning the SAP NetWeaver Portal space and its subspaces on SCN. 21 May 2012
Watch Portal Space and Subspaces by the Yahoo Pipe
Read this very useful blog by Simon Kemp on how to create a Yahoo Pipe that pulls together all the RSS feeds from the main SAP NetWeaver Portal space and all subspaces. 29 May 2012
iView with Dynamic Parameters in URL for SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.3
This blog provides an answer to the question "How to create an iView with dynamic parameters in the URL" and gives a step by step example. 21 May 2012
Portal Mobile Enablement
With the release of SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.3 SPS7 the mobile enablement of Portal is available. More information can be found in this new SCN document. 03 May 2012
SAP NetWeaver Portal: Mobile Enablement
Mobile enablement features of SAP NetWeaver Portal is now available in SAP NetWeaver 7.3 SPS 7. 21 May 2012
Portal News Blog for April 2012
Read this blog to get informed on the new Portal mobile enablement in SAP NetWeaver 7.3 SPS7, new SCN material on On-Demand Portal, the new Content and Knowledge Management subspace on SCN and interesting new blogs from the Portal Community.24 April 2012
SAP On-Demand Portal
In this new SCN document you find overview information on our planned cloud-based portal solution SAP On-Demand Portal. Do not miss to have an additional look at this new overview presentation. 03. April 2012
SAP Portal Content and Site Management by OpenText: Overview Information
You will find information on the new SAP Portal Content and Site Management by OpenText offering in this new SCN document.03 April 2012
News Blog for March 2012
Read this blog to get informed on the SAP NetWeaver Portal space on new SCN. You are also pointed to some interesting new blogs, a new presentation from ISUG and up-to-date information on SAP Portal Content and Site Management by OpenText. 27. March 2012
How To Migrate Custom Portal Applications to SAP NetWeaver 7.3
This new guide helps you to migrate your custom portal applications from SAP NetWeaver 7.0x to 7.3 by presenting the required steps, potential obstacles and recommended solutions. 07 March 2012
SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.3: Introduction to Portal on Device
SAP NetWeaver 7.3 SPS05 enables you to consume portal services from mobile devices using a dedicated software package. This guide accompanies the portal on device software package. 07. March 2012
SAP On Demand Portal
The SAP On Demand Portal enables business users to create on-demand sites, which can be consumed on the device of their choice, fully enabled with social and collaboration capabilities. See the SAP Portal On Demand wiki page for more details. 07. March 2012