Learn what's new with SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.4 Service Pack 7 focusing on Fiori Launchpad on Portal, Broadcast Messages and UI Theme Designer.
SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.4 Service Pack 7 - Whats New
SAP Enterprise Portal 7.4 SP7 – SAP Fiori Launchpad on the SAP Portal and more...
I am excited to write this blog as we reached a key milestone for the SAP Enterprise Portal and the overall SAP Ux strategy.
I assume that you have all heard (and if not, I highly encourage you to read the following announcement) that SAP Fiori and SAP Screen Personas are now included in the underlying licenses of the SAP software. This is a major change that I (personally) expect to have a very positive impact, and will play a key role in renovating and improving the SAP User Experience.
In the last few months we have been working hard to align the SAP Portal Ux with the Fiori Ux. With SAP Enterprise Portal 7.4 SP7 it is the first time that we are delivering a new portal framework page following the SAP Fiori design. This is a new role based, personalized, responsive (based on SAPUI5; running on multiple devices), and very intuitive portal framework page, running on the SAP Portal infrastructure and following the Fiori Design. This is actually running the Fiori launchpad on the SAP Portal infrastructure. Together with theFiori applications and the SAP Screen Personas Flavors, this will provide a new and highly improved user experience for the portal, while re-using the existing investment and key capabilities of the portal.
An important remark is that running the Fiori launchpad on the Portal, enables you to consume any type of content (Web Dynpro, SAP UI5, SAP Screen Personas, SAP Fiori, etc.). You are not limited to SAP Fiori applications only.
** there is an existing limitation to consume Fiori wave 2 and above applications in a standalone mode in the portal. This limitation is planned to be solved by Q3/2014.
Two additional new enhancements that will help you delivering a better user experience for your end users are:
- UI Theme Designer integration with the portal– UI Theme Designer is a browser-based, WYSIWYG editor used to customize the user experience. Now, the UI Theme Designer is also used to customer the look & feel of the SAP Enterprise Portal in a simpler and easier way across UI technologies including SAPUI5
- Broadcast Messages– a simple and intuitive tool to broadcast/send messages to groups of users in the portal, according to their role, assigned groups , etc.
Additional details:
- Overview presentation
- Fiori Launchpad on Portal on help.sap.com
- Known issue note FLP on EP - SAP Note 2008931
- SAP Fiori Integration with SAP Enterprise Portal - SAP Note 2031108
Those of you who had the privilege to attend the ASUG Annual Conference, had the chance to see all of the above live in the conference. At SAP D-CODE, we plan to show this and much more. So, stay tuned…
Custom Branding Using the AJAX Framework L-Shape APIs
Hello folks,
i want to do this Tutorial (How To Apply Custom Branding Using the AJAX Framework L-Shape APIs) but i'm missing the source code.
Can anyone of you provide me with the necessary files?!
It was once located in Sap Code-Exchange (https://code.sdn.sap.com/svn/sap-portal-ajax-framework)
Thanks in advance.
Subnstitution Profile All - UWL
When we create a rule with Profile ALL and saved it it gets created but with error in the Rule activation column.
How to prevent the creation of the rule when there is an error.
iView height is not rendered correctly (or: Quirks and Standard mode)
As the number of browsers and their version is increasing, the need for a standard way of writing client side code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc…) so one syntax will be interpreted the same way on all browsers, is increasing as well.
This is known as “standards mode” rendering in browsers.
Today, browsers support also web sites which were written before the standards were created and published by W3C so those web sites will still be accessible.
This backward compatibility support is known as “Quirks mode”.
We at SAP are also in constant evolving and supporting the new way of rendering sites so every now and then we come across client side bugs that start to surface due to the more and more relevancy and adoption of the standards mode.
(In the picture: quirks and standard...)
More about Quirks mode and standard mode can be found here:
One of these bugs causes iViews for wrong height calculation in IE versions prior to IE9, as the window.innerHeight property is not supported in those versions with standards mode.
The solution was to use "window.screen.availHeight" instead.
SAP note 2028106 fixes height issues in NetWeaver Portal page builder.
A good solution for rendering issues and browsers support is to use jQuery which has specific API which is the same on all browsers so that the developer does not need to implement many “if” statements in order to support all browsers by duplication of code with visual properties changed.
jQuery is also becoming more and more in use in SAP, but of course we still support our products which were not developed with jQuery.
How to save data from a server log to the java dictionary table?
I need a java dictionary and a program which will read data from the log file and save records into tables.
Can somebody help how to achieve this? Please help!
Thanks & regards
How to configure ITS on IIS
Hi all,
we have SAP ECC 6.0 and we have configured the ITS, from internal network
I can connect to webgui by this url http://sap_machine_hostname:8000/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui
Now I want configure IIS on web server to connect at ITS on the SAP server (are two separate servers), what do i have to do?
Now I have created in IIS a new web site and I have redirected the index to the ITS url ,
clearly this method work from internal but I want reach ITS from external link.
Thank you.
Change Text in Logon page of Portal 7.3
I am woring on Portal 7.3 and NWDS 7.3
I have downloaded the WAR file tc~sec~ume~logon~ui
and made the changes to the JSP file
Now I need to change the text in the following logon Page
Logon Problems?Get Support
I can see the text is present in tc~sec~ume~logon~ui_core.jar file
I made the changes to the logonLabels.properties and logonLabels_en.properties
My Question is
How do I deploy the changes of tc~sec~ume~logon~ui_core.jar to the server
How do I see the changes in portal
Set Default Language Globally
Hi All,
We are working on SAP Netweaver 7.4 Portal.
We have set the default language for all users in Portal 7.0 by following the below link:
In Portal 7.4, we don't find the properties file in the 7.4 server. Please let us know, how to do the same setting in 7.4 Portal System.
Venkatesh K
Metatag Development
Hi Experts,
I have to make an application on NWDS that reads the keywords and description data from the iview profile and puts them in the head section of the html page in which the iview is contained.
Is there any tutorial available?
Any help would be very appreciated.
Thank you,
NWDS ( Java) Transport without NWDI using CTS or Solman!
Hi Team,
Is is possible to do NWDS Transport for Java based objects without having NWDI , I assume may be using CTS or Solman ?
We do not have NWDI .
Currently we folow the approach of direct deployment in Dev , QA, PROD by changing J2EE settings in NWDS , but want to get rid of this approach.
So please advice .
New Portal App Server / Dialog Instance is missing content
Dear all,
We have a problem with a newly installed Portal application server / Dialog Instance: it is missing all applications in
Background: Our QA Portal environment has had only one instance for many years; it is currently on NetWeaver 7.31 SP09. I recently installed a new Portal application server / Dialog Instance (call it "Server2"), using the installation guide "SAP Systems Based on the Application Server Java of SAP NetWeaver on Windows: MS SQL Server Using Software Provisioning Manager 1.0." The installation went smoothly.
I can start and stop Server2 normally, and can log on to it as well, but applications like ESS, Business Intelligence, etc. are failing. At the file system level Server2 is missing numerous files and directories. Following are some examples:
- /usr/sap/EPQ/J00/j2ee/cluster/server0/apps
Expecting 3 directories: com.adobe, local, sap.com.
What's in Server2: only the sap.com directory - /usr/sap/EPQ/J00/j2ee/cluster/server0/apps/sap.com
Expecting about 1,225 directories.
What's in Server2: only the irj directory - /usr/sap/EPQ/J00/j2ee/cluster/server0/apps/sap.com/irj
Expecting 2 directories: PortalRuntimeContainer, servlet_jsp.
What's in Server2: only the servlet_jsp directory - /usr/sap/EPQ/J00/j2ee/cluster/server0/apps/sap.com/irj/servlet_jsp
Expecting 2 directories and 2 files: root and work directories, epbc.war and web_crc.properties files.
What's in Server2: only the root directory - /usr/sap/EPQ/J00/j2ee/cluster/server0/apps/sap.com/irj/servlet_jsp
Expecting 3 directories and about 5 files: META-INF, portalapps, and WEB-INF directories.
What's on Server2: only the WEB-INF directory
Any help or advice about these missing files and directories would be very much appreciated.
DataNodeInfo(FcPerFamilyBR.SelectedInfotype): unknown child node Excep error after EHP6
Hello all,
We are facing this error DataNodeInfo(FcPerFamilyBR.SelectedInfotype): unknown child node Excep in some Portal applications after the EHP6 upgrade.
Affected applications are Per_Bank, Per_Family and Per_Personal. When we click process/edit button on these applications, we get the below java error.
Thank you
com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.context.ContextException: DataNodeInfo(FcPerFamilyBR.SelectedInfotype): unknown child node Excep
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.context.Paths.followMetaPath(Paths.java:794)
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.context.Paths.getAttributeInfoFor(Paths.java:234)
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.context.Context.getModifiableTypeOf(Context.java:175)
at com.sap.xss.per.helpers.F4TextHelper.SetF4Values(F4TextHelper.java:92)
at com.sap.xss.per.helpers.F4TextHelper.SetF4Values(F4TextHelper.java:36)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.fc.FcPerFamilyBR.addValueHelp(FcPerFamilyBR.java:355)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.fc.wdp.InternalFcPerFamilyBR.addValueHelp(InternalFcPerFamilyBR.java:675)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.fc.FcPerFamilyBR.selectRecord(FcPerFamilyBR.java:341)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.fc.wdp.InternalFcPerFamilyBR.selectRecord(InternalFcPerFamilyBR.java:671)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.fc.FcPerFamilyBRInterface.selectRecord(FcPerFamilyBRInterface.java:176)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.fc.wdp.InternalFcPerFamilyBRInterface.selectRecord(InternalFcPerFamilyBRInterface.java:261)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.fc.wdp.InternalFcPerFamilyBRInterface$External.selectRecord(InternalFcPerFamilyBRInterface.java:337)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.overview.VcPerFamilyBROverview.onEvent(VcPerFamilyBROverview.java:206)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.overview.wdp.InternalVcPerFamilyBROverview.onEvent(InternalVcPerFamilyBROverview.java:275)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.overview.VcPerFamilyBROverviewInterface.onEvent(VcPerFamilyBROverviewInterface.java:115)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.overview.wdp.InternalVcPerFamilyBROverviewInterface.onEvent(InternalVcPerFamilyBROverviewInterface.java:124)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.overview.wdp.InternalVcPerFamilyBROverviewInterface$External.onEvent(InternalVcPerFamilyBROverviewInterface.java:200)
at com.sap.pcuigp.xssfpm.wd.FPMComponent.doProcessEvent(FPMComponent.java:534)
at com.sap.pcuigp.xssfpm.wd.FPMComponent.doEventLoop(FPMComponent.java:438)
at com.sap.pcuigp.xssfpm.wd.FPMComponent.access$600(FPMComponent.java:78)
at com.sap.pcuigp.xssfpm.wd.FPMComponent$FPM.raiseEvent(FPMComponent.java:938)
at com.sap.pcuigp.xssfpm.wd.FPMComponent$FPMProxy.raiseEvent(FPMComponent.java:1101)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.overview.VcPerFamilyBROverview.edit(VcPerFamilyBROverview.java:246)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.overview.wdp.InternalVcPerFamilyBROverview.edit(InternalVcPerFamilyBROverview.java:287)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.overview.BizCardsView.onActionEdit(BizCardsView.java:186)
at com.sap.xss.hr.per.br.family.overview.wdp.InternalBizCardsView.wdInvokeEventHandler(InternalBizCardsView.java:235)
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.generation.DelegatingView.invokeEventHandler(DelegatingView.java:87)
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.controller.Action.fire(Action.java:67)
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.window.WindowPhaseModel.doHandleActionEvent(WindowPhaseModel.java:420)
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.window.WindowPhaseModel.processRequest(WindowPhaseModel.java:132)
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.window.WebDynproWindow.processRequest(WebDynproWindow.java:335)
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.cal.AbstractClient.executeTasks(AbstractClient.java:143)
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.ApplicationSession.doProcessing(ApplicationSession.java:321)
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.ClientSession.doApplicationProcessingStandalone(ClientSession.java:713)
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.ClientSession.doApplicationProcessing(ClientSession.java:666)
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.ClientSession.doProcessing(ClientSession.java:250)
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.RequestManager.doProcessing(RequestManager.java:149)
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.serverimpl.defaultimpl.DispatcherServlet.doContent(DispatcherServlet.java:62)
at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.serverimpl.defaultimpl.DispatcherServlet.doPost(DispatcherServlet.java:53)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:760)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.HttpHandlerImpl.runServlet(HttpHandlerImpl.java:401)
at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.HttpHandlerImpl.handleRequest(HttpHandlerImpl.java:266)
at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.startServlet(RequestAnalizer.java:386)
at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.startServlet(RequestAnalizer.java:364)
at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.invokeWebContainer(RequestAnalizer.java:1039)
at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.handle(RequestAnalizer.java:265)
at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.Client.handle(Client.java:95)
at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.Processor.request(Processor.java:175)
at com.sap.engine.core.service630.context.cluster.session.ApplicationSessionMessageListener.process(ApplicationSessionMessageListener.java:33)
at com.sap.engine.core.cluster.impl6.session.MessageRunner.run(MessageRunner.java:41)
at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.ActionObject.run(ActionObject.java:37)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.execute(SingleThread.java:104)
at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.run(SingleThread.java:176)
NW CE 7.3 Trial Iview Error
Webi reports not working in Enterprise Portal
Recently we upgraded BO 4.0 from SP4.5 to SP7.9.
We first did in Dev environment then deployed the .PAR file through Par migration tool and it went successful, Webi reports are getting refreshed in Portal.
But while doing the same with Quality system, we upgraded to BO4.0SP7.9 and deployed the .PAR file in Portal via Par Migration tool followed by restart of quality portal.
But here any of the Webi reports are not opening and displaying message "Internet explorer cannot display page...".
Our Dev portal version is 7.31 and preprod portal version is 7.01.
I did certain Iveiw tests but no positive result out of it.
Would be thankful for any help recieved in resolving the above issue.
Jaywant Kulkarni
SRM integration with Netweaver Portal
hello Guru's,
we have requirement to integrate SRM 7.0 EHP3 to Net weaver Portal .
Currently we have Netweaver 7.3 SPS9 in our Landscape , will this be sufficient to integrate SRM 7.0 EHP3 or do we need to upgrade EP to 7.4 ?
Many Thanks,
MySapEvalLogonTicketEx failed (Internal Error): SSO with custom WebApp
Hi Friends,
I am trying to achieve SSO between SAP EP and custom Web App. I downloaded SAPSSOEXT and sapseculib from service.sap.com.
Using SSO2Ticket class in the jsp file, I am trying to decrypt the ticket. But ending up receiving "java.lang.Exception: MySapEvalLogonTicketEx failed: standard error= 9, ssf error= 0" error.
The SPSSOEXT loaded successfully and am able to print the version of it using getVersion method. JSP throws an exception on execution of evalLogonTicket method.
Object [] o = null; try { // Validate logon ticket. String x ="/home/sapj2ee/verify.pse"; System.out.println(SSO2Ticket.getVersion()); o = SSO2Ticket.evalLogonTicket(ticket, x, null); //System.out.println (o.toString()); }
All the required files, verify.pse, sapssoext.so and sapsecu.so have got all permissions.
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Application WebDynpro ABAP is not visible in Google Chrome
Hi Experts,
After the Upgrade 7.3 EHP1 in Production System it is not visible the application developed in web dynpro ABAP, in the Employee Self-Service Portal.
In the QA and Development, applications WD ABAP are visible.
What can happen in the Production system?.
Thanks in advance.
How can I process an SSO Logon Ticket in ColdFusion 9?
We want to integrate some CouldFusion templates on the SAP portal and I try to process the SSO Logon Ticket using the following code:
<cfif IsDefined("Cookie.MYSAPSSO2") AND Cookie.MYSAPSSO2 neq "">
ticket = Cookie.MYSAPSSO2;
sso = createObject("java", "SSO2Ticket");
version = sso.getVersion();
Application.CertPath = "/opt/coldfusion9/lib/verify.pse";
<h2>Ticket cookie:</h2>
<cfdump var="#ticket#">
<cfdump var="#version#">
<h2>Certification path:</h2>
<cfdump var="#Application.CertPath#">
result = sso.evalLogonTicket (ticket, Application.CertPath,"");
sapUser = result[1]; //First element is the SAP system user
sysID = result[2]; //Second element is the id of the issuing system
client = result[3]; //Third element is the client of the issuing system
portalUser = result[5]; //Portal user
validityInSeconds = result[7]; //Validity in seconds
<h2>Ticket content:</h2>
<cfdump var="#result#">
SAP Logon Ticket not found - Extranet content can only be accessed through SAP Portal.
The certificate verify.pse and the current version of the libraries libsapcrypto.so, libsapssoext.so and libslcryptokernel.so are stored at the same location.
After logging in into a SAP portal I get following error when executing the script:
Ticket cookie:
Certification path:
The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
Please contact the website administrator.
The following information is meant for the website developer for debugging purposes. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Error Occurred While Processing Request | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
I would be most thankful for any hints that could bring me further...
Many thanks
SSO Between SAP Portal 7.30 and Windows Active Directory
We have just completed SSO between SAP Portal 7.30 and Windows Active Directory. We used LDAP Data Source. It worked as expected. In SAP Portal and Windows AD, we are using firstname.lastname user ID and in ECC backend server, we are using initial.lastname user ID. "Samaccountname" is used for Unique Attribute for UME unique ID in LDAP Server tab.
Now, we have some other business request. In new requirement, we have to create new user in SAP Portal as initial.lastname (just same as in backend ECC server). theer would be no changes to Windows Active Directory User ID's (firstname.lastname).
Pls let me know how SSO will work if User ID's are different in SAP Portal and Windows Active Directory. Here we have to use LDAP Data Source.
is there any option to use other Unique Attribute for UME unique ID instead of "Samaccountname" to make it work? Pls suggest.